If you haven't figured it out by now, our family is a bunch of geeks. That is probably one reason why being sustainable appeals to us so much. The Christmas season is no exception to geekiness. In my last post, I showed you the wreaths for my children's doors - all unique to them. This time, I want to show you my husband's items for this last week of school. This week is spirit week, so there is a themed day for each day at Eastern Randolph. Monday - Candy Cane day, Tuesday - ugly Christmas sweater day, Wednesday - Christmas character day, Thursday - Flannel day, and Friday - Extreme red and green day. Of course, I hit the thrift shops to try to satisfy these requirements. What we usually do, is buy a tie. A tie is cheap at the thrift shops, and takes up very little storage space. When coupled with the fact that my husband likes to look professional as a teacher, a tie is a real winner. Of course, a tie doesn't always suffice. For the first day of spirit week, I looked for a tie with candy cane stripes. Not available. So I found one that was mostly red and white, brought it home, used scotch tape to tape off some stripes, and spray painted with some spare white paint. He did say that by the end of the day the paint fumes were getting to him just a little. He is such a good sport!

I also sent him with a basket I bought for fifty cents, spray painted red, with some red and green striped mints (I don't know why the small candy canes aren't still available). So for $3.50 he was dressed for the occasion and had some candy to hand out ($1.00 each for the red mints and the green mints.) For Tuesday, it was ugly Christmas sweater day. Of course, we don't have one, so I looked at the thrift shop for this too, but was told they had been gone since they put them out in October. So I found a sweater to use for a base and decided I would have to applique something on it. Then I figured as long as I had to applique something on it, it should be pertinent to his class. Since he teaches physical science, I decided on a beaker, an erlenmeyer flask and a multimeter. I had some scraps to use for the stocking to hold them, then I appealed to my neighbors for yellow and gray for the multimeter. Thankfully, I have a neighbor who quilts and was able to help me out (it was so nice to have a reason to see her as well). From this was born an ugly Christmas sweater that I am afraid might become one of my husband's favorites.

Wednesday is Christmas character day, so we are starting with a sweatshirt I made him last year with the Grinch on it. I bought some very small plastic zipper bags, so small they only hold eight red and green M & M's. They were only $1 for 100 bags (called boutique bags in the bead section at Wal-mart). I then printed some labels with the grinch and the words: "Grinch Pills Take two when your heart is feeling small." So for about $5.00 (the M & Ms were the expensive part) he will not only look the part, but have something to hand out to his high school students.
The bags were so small, I had to cut the standard address label in two parts, putting the instructions on one side of the bag with the picture of the grinch on the other.
As Thursday is flannel day, he will just wear a red flannel shirt he has, and Friday for extreme red and green he will wear a green shirt with a red tie that has green Christmas trees on it that he already has.