Winter weather has finally hit, and I am trying to finish projects mostly indoors. One of the projects I have been working on is making some hats and mittens from a wool sweater I found at the thrift shop. I cut two hats from the hem of the sweater, cut one set of mittens from the sleeves, and one set from the neckline. The set from the neckline I had to cut one side at a time to get the pretty neckline trim on them. Then I started thinking about the dogs being warm enough, so I took out an old bed comforter, cut it and fit it together so it was 4' x 4', which is the size of the floor of the doghouse they both stay in together. Then I took a bolt of microfiber that I bought a few years ago at a yard sale, and cut out and sewed a pillow sham that was 4 ' x 4' to cover it. That way when it gets dirty, we can just take the cover off and wash it. We put the cover on the comforter and took them out to put in the dog house. Hopefully, the dogs will be cozy tonight. The other thing I liked about the microfiber, is that it seems to have a water resistant quality. When we got our house, we redesigned it to have the long way go East and West, so the long side with all the windows would be on the south of the building to make maximum use of the sun. This meant that the front door was then located in a place that was different that it was intended to be.

We love our house, but I have been looking for an opportunity to balance out the front of the house. The front door is to one side, so I was thinking about bringing the olive color of the door to the other side of the porch. I recently found a metal wall hanging on craigslist that was nearly 4' x 3' that I thought would do the job nicely. So I brought it home, took it apart, and painted it olive green. I put it back together, and we hope to get it up on the house this weekend. This is how it turned out:
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