The best laid plans of mice and men. . .
We got a new kink in the plan of milking the cow, our Brown Swiss bull jumped the fence and joined the cow. She must be in heat. Since he is being very protective of her, I think I should just stay out of his way for the next few days.
I keep thinking of the t-shirt I saw at Wal-mart the other day. I saw the back of the t-shirt which said, "God's got my back." I am thinking this is a blessing to give me time to regroup, fix the milking stanchion and come up with a new plan. They look like a very happy little family. . .
A sustainable farm owned by John and Sherri Powell for the healthy production of pastured beef, pork, and chicken, as well as vegetables, fruit and nuts grown naturally, without added chemicals, unless approved by OMRI.
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
December 5, 2018
Learning something new always comes with questions and frustrations when you are feeling unsuccessful. Here is a post I made today on Botanical Bovines Facebook group:
OMG, I am feeling so unsuccessful. So today is only the third day I have tried milking. My milking stanchion needs reconfigured, so I haven't been using it. So I am basically holding the bucket in one hand and milking with the other. Yesterday I got a cup of milk and today less. She keeps raising her right foot. I read somewhere you should only milk from the right side of the cow, is that true? Should I only worry about the cleanliness of the udder and teats? She came with some manure encrusted into her hair on her right leg, now that it is not warm out, what should I do with that? How do I achieve let down? I am getting a little milk, but it seems that since I separated her from the calf all night, she is preserving her milk for him. . .I am sure this sounds frustrated, which I am, but I keep trying to take a deep breath and calm down when milking as I am trying to get her to relax. I've tried singing and could have sworn it was working yesterday. . .
Anything that is worthwhile usually takes lots of practice and tweaking (I keep trying to remind myself.)
OMG, I am feeling so unsuccessful. So today is only the third day I have tried milking. My milking stanchion needs reconfigured, so I haven't been using it. So I am basically holding the bucket in one hand and milking with the other. Yesterday I got a cup of milk and today less. She keeps raising her right foot. I read somewhere you should only milk from the right side of the cow, is that true? Should I only worry about the cleanliness of the udder and teats? She came with some manure encrusted into her hair on her right leg, now that it is not warm out, what should I do with that? How do I achieve let down? I am getting a little milk, but it seems that since I separated her from the calf all night, she is preserving her milk for him. . .I am sure this sounds frustrated, which I am, but I keep trying to take a deep breath and calm down when milking as I am trying to get her to relax. I've tried singing and could have sworn it was working yesterday. . .
Anything that is worthwhile usually takes lots of practice and tweaking (I keep trying to remind myself.)
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
December 4, 2018
Another day in the milking adventure. Well, last night I was able to get Brownie (the calf) in the correct stall by putting Sage in the milking stall, and basically running the calf around the barn enough times unitl he got tired and just gave in. LOL. I had the stall gate open and it is at the back of the barn, so that worked. Plain old dumb luck probably. I told my husband that I was working hard at getting all the stupid mistakes out of the way so it would lead to success. ha ha.
This morning I went out to the barn knowing I could easily lure Sage into the milking stall with a bucket. I remembered to close the stall gate this time (points for me), but it didn't take me long to realize that I had designed the stanchion on the wrong side of the stall. Sage did not want to turn to the side to get on the platform. However, the basic premise is good (I think), and I don't think it will take much to move the headgate part to the other side of the stall. I learned yesterday that the manger could not be independent of the stanchion and fixed that with a couple of screws (it was getting knocked over). So today, I will try to find time to rearrange the stanchion and further organize the area. Life is a series of tweakings, isn't it?
Well, I didn't let the stanchion stop me in my tracks. While Sage was in the stall, I gave her a bucket of grain and milked her anyway (or tried to). She seemed to let down better when I sang to her. She liked the chorus from "Brass in Pocket". Today I achieved one goal. I now have enough milk for my coffee for the next couple of days!! A whole cup of milk. I got my dairy filters in the mail yesterday so added them to the wide mount jar funnel I am using to strain the milk.
Progress. . .
Well, I didn't let the stanchion stop me in my tracks. While Sage was in the stall, I gave her a bucket of grain and milked her anyway (or tried to). She seemed to let down better when I sang to her. She liked the chorus from "Brass in Pocket". Today I achieved one goal. I now have enough milk for my coffee for the next couple of days!! A whole cup of milk. I got my dairy filters in the mail yesterday so added them to the wide mount jar funnel I am using to strain the milk.
Progress. . .
Monday, December 3, 2018
December 3, 2018
As I was walking through our yard, which happens to have our Brown Swiss Cattle in it due to being the only place right now with good grass that is separate from the new cow, I realized I had made my first mistake. I was so focused on my first milking, that I didn't realize until the cattle started following me that I was walking past them with two buckets in my hands. I managed to escape through the gate before I got trampled. Whew!!
I lured her into the milking parlor with a bucket of grain. When she got in, I poured it into the manger attached to the stanchion, thinking she would get in position and start eating the grain and I would closed the stanchion. Sadly, I had not thought ahead to close the stall gate. Sage wisely went right back out of the gate where she could get to the grain in the manger on the other side of the stall. Oh my goodness, I am having a good lesson in what not to do. Still, I tried to use what I had and while she was eating the grain, I brushed her, I washed her udder, and I was able to get my hands on her teats to do a cough, cough, token milking. You will know what I mean by the picture of the bucket.
Nevertheless, progress was made and I am determined to do better. At least I can laugh at myself. . .
Saturday, December 1, 2018
December 1, 2018
Their cozy new home in our pasture. |
We finished the library, including adding some new lighting, that we of course found for a bargain which meant there was some bead stringing to do. However, my handsome, free electrician installed them for me, so they really put the icing on the cake.
I took a name off of the Angel tree at church and the child asked for a Barbie and some clothing. You should have known that I found a Farmer Barbie and found the little girl some clothing to match. I even threw together a matching chicken. When the boots arrived, it really was a perfect matching outfit. I sure hope she likes it.
Monday, November 12, 2018
November 12, 2018
After |
Before |
Our newly planted ginger and turmeric also got a layer of leaves to insulate them for the winter. The horse trough we planted them in worked well to contain the leaves (as was planned.)
After/Before |
I am quite pleased with how the room is turning out, but there is still work to do. I will update with a video when I finish all the details.
Monday, October 15, 2018
October 15, 2018
It is quickly becoming that time of year where we are having to add some heat to the house. Currently, we are just opening our bedroom windows to glean the heat from the greenhouse. Soon, we will have to stoke up the wood stove at night. Having a lean-to greenhouse on the south side of the house has worked very well for us. You can see in the picture that we are drying the cayenne peppers in there. Drying the produce, drying clothes, and getting some sun in the winter months for vitamin D has made it so useful that we haven't yet gotten around to growing plants in there! Maybe this year. . .
Recently I wrote to my favorite Facebook Group Homesteads and Sustainability about whether we should bother to use cover crops, as the earth seems so good at providing itself with just the right plants to turn the top dirt into top soil. Never was it more evident than across the place where we dug this summer to put in a water pipeline. The volunteer plants, Senna Obtusifolia, seem to have nitrogen fixing capabilities. Despite all of its uses in folk medicine and food, such as in cassia gum, or a coffee substitute, it has become known as an obnoxious weed. The group pointed out that while nature is good at providing the plants that it needs, if you choose a plant in the same group, you might get more out of it such as a forage for animals or a food source you would rather have. Also, planting seeds tends to hurry the process along.
I recently ruined my cell phone (and it was only about ten years old) by carrying it in the same bag as my water when I was going to stain the calf barn. When I found a new one (my first smart phone that will still work on my $80 per year pageplus plan), I decided I needed something else to carry it in and pulled my hiking bag out of the camping equipment. It was a great way to be able to function hands free while mowing. I had made it out of the end of a shirt sleeve with a tab on it to slip onto your belt.

We are in the process of turning our old greenhouse into a storage shed. I am picturing it with a metal roof with a solar charging station for my golf cart with room for the trailer and a few other items. I am having to rid it of thousands of blackberry vines and passion fruit vines, but I hope to be able to add the metal roofing by next weekend. Then we have to get the old golf cart running again. I found a service manual online that I hope will help with this. How hard can it be? Compared to our other equipment it seems to have so many fewer parts. . .Cross your fingers for me!
Our two pigs, Freckles and Red, are growing up a storm and are in their third pasture rotation. We are experimenting with feeding them goat feed since it was what they were using when we got them, as well as has a higher protein percentage with a lower cost. I was also recommended to feed them Bull rations, and will check on that next time we need to buy feed. We have had them since 9/3, and they are only on their 5th bag of feed, as they are eating so much from the pasture. We are thinking they will be ready by March 3rd, but we'll see.
We got a new barn kitty from one of our friends at church. The kittens were abandoned at her house and she was looking for homes. Meet Merlin! We kept him inside the first week, and for the last few days have been transitioning him outside, trying to get he and Guinevere used to each other (no worries - she is spayed). He is so cute, but was beginning to show his velociraptor tendencies to the furniture. Tonight might be his first night outside in the barn.

In our journey to self-sufficiency, we have yet to add a dairy animal to the farm. With the help of our friends Joe and Michelle Sroka, I was able to try out milking a cow to figure out whether it would be a good fit. Thanks to Joe and Michelle and your very patient cow!
Additionally, I have been working on a new business to help fund the farm and have just gone live with the website: Check it out! I also added a new capability for people to be able to follow this blog by getting an email when I update. The link is in the upper right hand corner.
In our journey to self-sufficiency, we have yet to add a dairy animal to the farm. With the help of our friends Joe and Michelle Sroka, I was able to try out milking a cow to figure out whether it would be a good fit. Thanks to Joe and Michelle and your very patient cow!
Additionally, I have been working on a new business to help fund the farm and have just gone live with the website: Check it out! I also added a new capability for people to be able to follow this blog by getting an email when I update. The link is in the upper right hand corner.
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
September 25, 2018
We had a Dinner for Eight party at our house this weekend on Saturday, and a neighborhood potluck on Sunday afternoon. The hit of both of these parties were our new pigs, Red and Freckles. It gave the kids something to do to go pick some tomatoes to take to the pigs. The pigs showed off by showing us how they drink from the water barrel with the pig nipples. We so enjoyed seeing this. The pigs have also been entertainment for our cattle. The cattle rotation came close to the pig area this week, so they were busy getting to know each other.
So we went and picked my mom up from SC to keep her out of the path of Hurricane Florence. My mom is a busy person and needs something to do (wonder where I get it from?) Anyway, when she came, I mentioned I needed to clean the fabric up in my sewing room. I thought that would keep her busy all weekend. Ha. She finished that the same day, and called me up to help her. Then she wanted to vacuum, and before I knew what happened I was taking the vacuum cleaner apart and fixing it and she was directing me where to vacuum. Well then she proceeded to direct me on how to clean the dish drainer with a paint brush to get those tiny metal pieces. My husband took a turn when she wanted to clean out the refrigerator. Anyway, we got so much done she ended up being more of a blessing to me than I was to her. For those times when I just needed to sit down a minute, I found my husband's homemade blueberry wine to be delicious. LOL. It even gave me the subject matter for the children's moment I did the Sunday after, and left the house cleaner than ever for the events we had at our house the next weekend.
Life is so good. . .
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