Winter. So full of cold weather, getting caught up on rest, tweaking things that are not working correctly, and maintenance of the farm and ourselves. One of the things we wanted to accomplish was to find a way to bring more water to our drainage pond. This last year we were in drought conditions and the pond was beginning to look like a deep mud puddle. We were worried about our fish and the health of our pond. We devised a way to bring a pipe to the road from the pipe under the driveway that drained into the pond. Much work was done, the pipe covered and the grass planted with the replacement of our daffodils. We are so glad we have a friend and neighbor with all the right equipment to help us out with these kinds of projects. His dump truck and skid loader and his skillful operation of said equipment was invaluable.

We wanted a way to put an alarm on our driveway so we would know when someone was coming up, if only so we could have time to put on our shoes to meet the delivery people at the gate. We bought a driveway alarm and devised a way to put it inside a birdhouse so it would not look bad. We have found, however, that our dogs usually bark before the alarm goes off, the alarm does not go off every time, especially after the rain, and we have problems somewhat with the birds setting it off. We will try to tweak it further, but it may be a failed experiment. . .
It was time once again to plant our garden plants, which we have done inside, and buy our seed potatoes. So far everything is coming up except for the cumin which is a new addition this year. Fingers Crossed!

It was also a good time for my husband to have some time to make some of his favorite Brown Ale! Winter is a great time to slow down and get done some stuff that is not quite necessary, but an awful lot of fun. We must have these kinds of times!
Last, but certainly not least, it has also been a time for me to slow down and actually do some care of myself. Through fasting and intermittent fasting, I have been able to shed about 34 pounds since January 15th. I am at least halfway to my goal of getting into some jeans that are the same size I was wearing before I got married. Unfortunately, fasting also means that you do a great deal of resting, which is perfect for this off season time of year. I am hoping to reach my goal by our anniversary on May 23rd. Wish me luck! I am so thankful to have found all the information put out on youtube by Dr. Jason Fung, as just regular dieting that once worked for me, did not budge my weight after menopause. I am strongly hoping that the healing that fasting creates will heal my body's hormonal imbalance.