Christmas. A time for gathering with good friends. The same friends that rescued us when we were getting bogged down with trying to pass plumbing on our daughter's house. We got to help our friends, Ed and Amy put in a floor. Then Amy came over and kept me company for a day while I taught her how to reupholster chair cushions. I enjoyed it Amy!

Just celebrated Christmas today! The only handmade gifts from the farm this year was a desk that was upcycled for our daughter and son-in-law, a few bibs, peanut brittle and fudge, hibiscus tea, and dog treats. The desk was upcycled to exactly meet the needs of our daughter and son-in-law. It was a vintage desk that was small and fit the space, but to make it more functional, we changed the lower drawers on the right into a file drawer, changed the lower drawers on the left to be just the drawer fronts on hinges so they would have a place for their modems to live. We also painted it in colors to match their other furniture and monogrammed their initial in the middle with paint.

This year my husband had a theme week again and one of the days was Santas vs. Elves. As he is 6'2", I, of course, thought it would be awesome if he went as an elf. lol We painted stripes on his small hammer in the hammer loop of his overalls. He looked almost as cute as our grandson does in this set of overalls I made him out of a flannel shirt and elf slippers.
As the weather has turned colder, our cat has moved in with the chickens. She was raised with chickens, so we think she just feels right at home.

As it has been cold, indoor projects have been the order of the day, and I have been upcycling clothing. My daughter liked a red, black and white shirt, but it was sleeveless in the middle of the winter. I talked her into buying a black turtleneck so we could cut off the arms and use it on the shirt. She loves it! I also worked on one for me that included cutting off the bottom of a sweater, turning it upside down to make the sweater have an empire waist. I also added a print at the bottom from a skirt. All purchased at the thrift store of course, making each shirt $2. So far, I have made two bibs for Eli using two wash cloths I bought for a dollar at the dollar tree and the neck of the turtleck, and I have a pair of pants for him planned from the rest of the turtleneck.
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