I absolutely love the first tilling of the garden. It looks so fresh and clean. We are preparing to plant potatoes and corn. I know a lot of people like to do no-till gardening, but there are a lot of pros to tilling: 1) I think the worms are much deeper than some people think as when we were young and had to put down a board and trickle hose water to bring up the worms. 2) I believe in the power of the sun to heal and disinfect. 3) I like churning the green manure down into the ground to break down and add organic matter to the soil, and 4) we are 58 and 63, so doing a big garden with hand digging does not appeal to us.

The black berries, we hope, are finally posed to do well this year. As they grow berries on last year's canes, we are quite hopeful. They are starting to come out and look really good as a row. We didn't give up on them, just kept adding organic matter and mulch to the top and they are finally responding.

In our garden doings today, we added mulch to the asparagus bed. We noticed yesterday that it was starting to come up and are adding the mulch to both quelch the weeds and add fertility to the soil.

The blueberry bushes are in full bloom! Our sugar pod peas are finally coming up.

If you ever think you have a small camper to redo, just start painting. I assure you once you hit all the surfaces with a lick of primer, you will swear it was larger. There's walls, cabinets, ceilings, etc. However, it is starting to look really good.

Also just finished redoing the kitchen and bathroom countertops with leftover Homax Tough as Tile. Looking good!
I tried something new for brunch this morning. I made bacon and hash browns in the waffle iron. The bacon was nice and flat due to the even heating on both sides at once, and the hash browns were wonderfully crispy! Definitely a keeper. Update: apparently it is not a keeper due to how difficult is is to clean the waffle iron after using it like this. Who knew?
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