The garden is well on it's way. We have had generous helpings of rain, and the growth has been good. My husband has done a great job with whipping it into shape with a little help from his apprentice (me). We are starting to be able to harvest green beans, beet greens, and we have green tomatoes. The squash plants are blooming, and so are the cucumbers. God is
There has been a renewal of hope in the garden. When you look at the rows and see that there are plants missing, it looks rather incomplete. However, when you are able to add more seeds and they actually come up, it is definitely a joyous sight. Thank goodness for new seedlings!

Our friends and neighbors Joanna and Donnie surprised us by bringing us two piglets (and here we thought we were going to pick some up for them - thanks Joanna and Donnie!) We were able to set up in a hurry due to having had pigs before. We had their pig hut and water barrel ready. After observing them and having to round them back up several times while setting up the electric fence, we named them Scarlet and Melanie, as my husband had to set up the fence in a hurry, while I had to keep rounding them up before they were "Gone with the Wind." This is a new pig adventure, as these piglets were weaned young (only 5 weeks old), so I am worried about their nutrition, and I would like to try to buy the least pig feed possible this time. So far they have enjoyed some rice and bread soaked in milk, and other leftovers soaked in milk. They also seem to love the clover in the pasture.
We are still working on taking the ducks to their house on the pond. We have walked them to the pond "encouraging" them to go, and feeding them there. This time they actually went in by themselves and swam briefly before getting out and following us right back to the chicken coop area. Now I am just feeding them further and further out to increase their comfort zone.
We are still being careful in these Covid-19 times, but spending time with our family. We had a recent Mother's Day celebration for me at my daughter's house who gave me a book to read to my grandson entitled "How to Babysit your Grandma". We had a sushi dinner with spring rolls and a yummy cheesecake that my daughter made. My son was there also, and had previously sent gifts. A gift he gave us while he was there is he showed us pictures of the fact that he actually bought a tiller and planted a garden! First interest he has shown to that extent! Life is good!
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