I am so glad that my husband takes the time to ask, "What are you going to do today?" I really appreciate it when he seems interested in the time we spend apart. He gets so busy sometimes and his head is so full of his agenda. . .Today when he asked, I started looking around at about 6:40 am. I had already made his lunch and a breakfast to go: Peanut butter and blackberry jelly sandwich with homemade jelly and bread, homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, homemade canteloupe muffins, water and coffee.
I had been working on cleaning the shelves in the food dehydrator as they were sticky from the tomatoes we had just dried, finished that and prepared two trays of figs to go in that he had picked the night before. I had been working on releasing the seeds from all of the fennel that I had harvested the day before.
I had gotten out my bread starter to make some bread, as when I made his lunch I noticed we were getting low on bread.
Yep, a typical day so far. . .Many plans for the rest of my day include finishing what I started, cleaning (I like a clean slate on Mondays), getting some blackberries out of the freezer to make some more blackberry jelly since I opened the last jar, more harvesting (especially okra, basil, and peppers), probably a trip to the grocery store and to drop off a box, and who knows what else will come up. Life is good.
In the meantime between last blog post and today we rented a small bobcat and cleaned out the barn which included leveling the floor, clearing out some things the cows tore up, and adding sand to help the floor stay drier.

We have been harvesting and preserving like crazy. We have been blessed with rain which has really made the crop this year.
The pantry and the freezers are getting full and beautiful.
I am trying to learn more about foraging, finding things like this wild ginger, and pokeberries (which I have read will treat arthritis).
I have so enjoyed spending time with my daughter, her husband, and my adorable almost 11 month old grandson who recently came over and got a lesson in reading a seed catalog. LOL
We have also had to get my husband ready to go back to work teaching science. With the mask regulations, I have tried to prepare him with enough fun masks to entertain him and the kids. His latest is an ECU mask, of course that I made out of an old ECU t-shirt that was ripping up and some leftover paints:
I've put up pumpkin butter (thanks for the idea Gwen and Gary!), froze eggs for molting season, and gathered seeds (seeds shown are Yellow Mountain Sweet watermelon seeds and pole lima beans):
God is Good!