Bonus Pumpkins from Pig Pasture |
Cayenne Peppers Strung for Drying |
Today, on Halloween Day, the season is winding down. Are we ready? We are in the throes of the last of the harvests while watching daily for the threat of frost. We are trying to make sure we have squeezed out all we can and have done our best not to waste anything. In recent days, I prepared and sliced three more gallons of bell peppers for the freezer. My husband pickled 8 quarts of jalapenos. I finished a batch of cheese. My husband strung cayenne peppers. We still have some peppers to pick, some cilantro to harvest and dry, basil to harvest and dry, black eyed peas that we have given every opportunity to dry on the vine, the last of the figs to pick and dehydrate, and pumpkins that we have picked and stored in the basement until things quiet down. I have included some bonus pumpkins that were apparently planted by the pigs. We love to find these sweet bonus treasures.
Pickled Jalapenos |
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