Beets and Cayenne Peppers |
Wow, we have been so blessed this year with our harvests, that we have been too busy to blog. Here we are 3 months after deciding not to go to the grocery store eating gourmet meals and storing up so much that we are running out of room. It reminds me of the loaves and the fishes story in the bible. We started out with just some seeds. . .
For breakfast this morning our meal was so beautiful I had to take a picture of it. Sweet potatoes fried with bell peppers, sunny side up eggs cooked in a little gravy left from last nights country style steak, and some Crimson Sweet watermelon. I didn't make it for a picture, and believe it or not, this meal was not an anomaly. Life is good!
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Okra and Spaghetti Squash |
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Juliette Tomatoes |
Every day we are harvesting and putting up vegetables, herbs, spices, drying seeds for next year. Life is never boring, nor are we sedentary. We have invited friends to come and pick as well, so their pantry benefitted while we enjoyed keeping the plants in condition with someone else's labor. The more you pick, the more food the plants produce.